Ryan Eshaghi

CEO and Marketing Director

Ryan Eshaghi is a business student at the University of California, Irvine. He oversees the company's corporate direction for technology development, strategy implementation, resource management, and marketing. As a nationally ranked debater, TEDx speaker, and recipient of multiple youth business program accolades, Ryan always strives to find creative solutions for common problems. In moving forward from the experience he gained as CEO of his high school entrepreneurship team and the leadership positions he served with other startup companies and non-profit organizations, Ryan is a fit candidate to execute the company's vision: Creating a large, connected community of health club members who use Flexbooth as a medium to "picture their progress" and stay motivated in achieving their fitness goals

Kay Jafari

Founder and President

J.D., Esq. - Trinity Law School

B.A. in Business Administration, Marketing - California State University, Fullerton

At age 18, Kay was managing a family photography studio, where he utilized his creative eye and marketing skills to generate a significant increase in the studio's sales. At 21, he would be managing an international Information Technology business, playing an active role in importing and exporting containers full of IT equipment between the United States and various parts of Asia. Driven by his passion to learn about business law, Kay spent the next nine years as an office manager and paralegal at the Law Offices of Christopher K. Jafari, working with his brother in seeking justice in legal matters that involved various adversaries, including several Fortune 500 companies. While seeking justice for his clients, Kay earned his J.D. from Trinity Law School, ranking the top of his class in the subjects of Civil Procedure, Community Property, and Business Organizations. While leading the way in Flexbooth's development, he would pass the July 2014 California Bar Exam on his first try and become a General Partner for the very law firm that he and his brother succesfully grew together.

A legal maxim codified in California's Civil Code states: “The law helps the vigilant, before those who sleep on their rights.” Through his leadership in Flexbooth, Kay has applied this same rule in the business world, as success can truly only be seen by the vigilant, before those who sleep on their ideas. With his big dream that's matched with a strong passion for success, Kay has worked vigorously with the team in turning an intuitive idea into a reality for millions of health club members around the world.

Edward Shen

VP and IT Director

M.E. Computer Engineering - Cornell University

B.S. in Computer Engineering - University of California, San Diego

With an intrinsic desire to understand how computers and businesses work, Edward has devoted himself to picking up essential skills that leverage his engineering background in various aspects of software and network development, including mobile & web development, automation, computer vision, IT security & compliance, and virtualization. He has combined his skills with his strong work ethic in expanding his horizons in entrepreneurship and market investments. But knowledge is only half of Edward's story. He has applied his wisdom through over nine years of working as an Information Systems Engineer at Kingston, where he researches, develops, and integrates IT systems that are not only secure and reliable, but are also efficient.

Through his innovative skills and tenacity to spend sleepless nights in pioneering Flexbooth's intuitive software and network, Edward has taken a firm grip over the helm of the technology side of the business. Edward isn't satisfied with creating something that simply "works." On the contrary, Edward aims to deliver an essential product & service for every health club that will allow their members to picture their progress with ease.

Nick Cuneo

Project Manager and Software Engineer

B.S. Information and Computer Science - University of California, Irvine

Never one to back down from a challenge, Nick brings to the team his vast knowledge and experience as a full stack developer. Whether faced with an issue that is mobile, web, client, or server-based, Nick will stop at nothing to ensure a successful launch. Prior to Flexbooth, Nick was a developer for Cisco Systems for three years, where he created design and architectural documents, implemented a custom build/integration system, and even created support tools in iOS, python, and perl. While working with the Flexbooth team, Nick performs a variety of highly essential software engineering work for Tyco International.”

Our Story

The greatest moments in fitness history were not remembered for their numbers, but by the photographs that captured them. While there are numerous wearable fitness devices that can tell a story by numbers, the true embodiment of success has been historically captured by a camera. The familiar phrase "A picture is worth a thousand words" continues to ring true in today's age of social media.

Introducing Flexbooth: The world's first full-body photo booth for fitness enthusiasts.

We develop photo booths for fitness enthusiasts to track fitness progress. Each of our booths contain a scale, DSLR camera, and touchscreen. Walk in the Flexbooth after your workout, record your weight, take your 3 angled pictures, and have them uploaded and organized all in your online Flexbooth profile, for free. Users are able to share their success story and fitness progress through our easy, integrated media downloading and sharing platform.

In the near future, we will be exploring 3D scanning technology to compute body fat percentage and heart rate monitoring for more complex applications. Flexbooth aims to embrace and support all body types and workout regimens, for whatever your endeavors may be. We want to create a worldwide, connected community of Flexbooth members who are united in achieving their fitness goals.

The Team

Ryan Eshaghi

Marketing Director

Kay Jafari


Edward Shen

IT Director

Nick Cuneo

Project Manager
Software Engineer